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Origin Green

At Golden Irish and our parent company, The Nest Box Egg Company, we believe sustainability is essentially about viewing how the business can act as a responsible steward of all the resources it uses and manages. We try to make a difference by reducing energy consumption, minimising the overall carbon footprint, managing materials correctly and lessening our environmental impact.

We are a verified member of the Origin Green program which promotes sustainability along with supply chain.



We’re committed to:

  • Using local resources where possible to reduce carbon footprint in produce and all inputs. We only source eggs from local suppliers.
  • Reducing waste material as much as posssible and disposing of it in a safe manner
  • Reducing our energy usage through staff awareness and training. All staff have received traning to ensure machinery is turned off when not in use and only used in an efficient manner
  • All our customer packaging is made from 100% recycled material. We recycle all suitable materials (Cardboard and plastics) from the production process along with utilising any damaged or unsuitable eggs for further processing.
  • Ongoing work with bodies such as Bord Bia, STEM and sustainability partners to ensure we continually reduce our footprint and have access to the most up to date information.


Promoting Animal Welfare

Free Range Chickens
All farmers supplying to the Nest Box Egg Company must prioritise the welfare of their flock. This requirement is audited by the Quality Assurance department on a monthly basis. They must provide a safe and calm environment, and operate an environmental management system that at a minimum, encompasses the FIVE Freedoms:

  1. Freedom from hunger and thirst
  2. Freedom from discomfort
  3. Freedom from pain, injury or behaviour
  4. Freedom to express normal behaviour
  5. Freedom from fear and stress



Football Team
We’re very proud of our commitment to our employees and the local community. As well as having an employee well-being program, we actively encourage two-way communication and promote a workplace were everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Within the local community, we take an active role in sport. We sponsor two underage sports teams along with working with community groups to raise funding for a defibilator.

We’re always looking to do more so if there’s a way we can help our local communities, please get in touch.